

Cape Breton Island has the potential to reach a new level in its development as a destination over the next ten years. With a bold vision and strategic direction, it can become one of the most dynamic and innovative tourism economies in the country.

The vision of this plan is to make Cape Breton Island a world-class, four season tourism destination with dynamic tourism clusters – remarkable products and experiences for visitors that optimize tourism revenues – and supporting businesses and institutions that leverage the destination for research, innovation, and economic growth.

The strategy in this plan acknowledges and places great emphasis on the mutually reinforcing relationship between the tourism and culture sectors. The support, enhancement and sustainability of the culture sector, is paramount to ensuring the long-term health of the tourism sector on the Island, and vice versa.

The development of the strategy is being led by Destination Cape Breton, but will be owned by all partners and residents of Cape Breton Island. It will provide a shared vision that drives priorities and investments, leading to wealth creation and sustainable economic growth for the Island’s tourism economy and its residents.

The strategy will guide investment along with a framework to ensure continued tourism growth that is both sustainable and enriching to the quality of life of residents. Enjoy!